- 让你的灵魂开始翱翔。
- Let your spirit start to soar .
- 阿特拉斯讲的正是这种精神。
- Atlas speaks to this spirit .
- 当你奏乐时,你的灵魂在飞翔。
- Your spirit flies when you are playing music .
- 来帮助你的头脑和灵魂。
- To help your mind and soul .
- 向他们敞开你的灵魂。
- Open your soul to them .
- 心灵便通过己身的历练了解了自己。
- The soul then knows itself in its own experience .
- 这是不是真的群体智慧?
- Is it not really swarm intelligence ?
- 智慧的根源是一个谜。
- The roots of intelligence are a mystery .
- 也许地外智慧生物常常炸毁自己。
- Maybe extraterrestrial intelligence always blows itself up .
- 氟是如何保护牙齿让牙仙女远离我们是一个研究人员仍在努力解开的谜。
- How fluoride keeps the tooth fairy away is a mystery that researchers are still working to unravel .
- 穿你最美的,像小仙女样的裙子没有什么是不对的。
- There is never a wrong time to wear your most colorful , sparkliest fairy dress .
- 每当有孩子说他(她)不相信有仙女存在的时候,就会有一个仙女死去。
- Every time a child says he doesn 't believe in fairies , a fairy dies .
- 这种执行力需要更有效的控制。
- The executive power needs a more effective check .
- 一次演示比任何争论都要有效的多。
- A demonstration is much more effective than an argument .
- 治理是最有效的工具来解决这一冲突。
- Governance is the most effective tool to resolve this conflict .
- 印度经济似乎不可能快速回升。
- A quick bounce back looks unlikely .
- 一种简便快速的种植术吧。
- A quick and easy display of greenery .
- 不幸的是,没有快速生效的方法。
- Sadly , no quick fix is available .
- 其经济前景非常光明。
- Its economic prospects are bright .
- 谈谈这光明的一面。
- Talk about the bright side .
- 此后的前景也并不光明。
- Nor are prospects bright thereafter .
- 失望可能会太具摧毁性,导致他们经常需要寻求心理和精神上的指导。
- The disappointment can be so crushing that they often need to seek psychological and spiritual guidance .
- 人们在寻找某些更注重体验、更注重精神的东西。
- People are looking for something more experience-based , and more spiritual .
- 但这种精神的觉醒似乎是一个缓慢的过程,无法一蹴而就。
- Spiritual awareness seems to be a process and not an event .