- 再要降低含盐量,这块火腿就只能沦为一块橡皮板了。
- Any less salt and the ham would be reduced to a rubbery slab .
- 西班牙凉菜汤的味道很不错,迪尔洛特也表示自己的火腿很不错。
- The gazpacho tastes good , and dilnot professes to enjoy his ham .
- geordiecheryl很喜欢吃她妈妈自己做的火腿与豌豆汤。
- Geordie cheryl used to tuck into her mum 's home-made ham and pea soup .
- 施万富先生现任香港金门建筑有限公司执行董事,此前26年他在中东和非洲地区工作。
- Derek smyth is an executive director with gammon construction limited who , after working in the middle east and africa , went to hong kong 26 years ago .
- 次日早餐吃的是腌肉排、红辣椒蔬菜炖肉片,或者可选美味的热烟熏三文鱼饼配芦笋,还可要家常的鸡蛋。
- For breakfast the next day , it was gammon steak ( think jambon ) and red capsicum ragout or an excellent warm smoked salmon crepe with asparagus , or the usual eggs to order .
- 把腌猪腿放进一个大平底锅并用冷水覆盖住它。
- Place the gammon in a large saucepan and cover with cold water .