It has already been established that those who siesta are less likely to die of heart disease .
Sara mednick , from the university of california , san diego , suggests that non-habitual nappers suffer from this more often than those who siesta regularly .
When I think about spain , I think about the food , the beaches and the typically spanish activities , such as taking a siesta when the day is at its hottest .
They studied 23 681 individuals living in greece who had no history of coronary heart disease stroke or cancer when they first volunteered and found that those who took a 30-minute siesta at least three times a week had a 37 % lower risk of heart-related death .
Indeed , he says , the spanish and latin-american tradition of the siesta could be on its way out : " there 's a danger that this will be lost as they embrace a more anglo-american 24 / 7 work model . "