- 大社区集中地,2个学校,驴肉火烧,奶茶叶,看店的经由电话联系。
- Big community focuses the land , 2 schools , asinine flesh baked wheaten cake , tea with milk , the phone connection that sees inn .
- 大社区集中地,2个学校,驴肉火烧,奶茶叶,看店的经由电话联系。
- Big community focuses the land , 2 schools , asinine flesh baked wheaten cake , tea with milk , the phone connection that sees inn .
- 而这类棕脂肪能够燃烧多余的卡路里。
- Those brown fat cells burn extra calories .
- 为了取暖,他们烧别人捐赠的柴火。
- For warmth , they burn donated firewood .
- 然而遗憾的是,它还是要烧煤。
- But sorry , it will still burn coal .