- 广告商们用他们来刺激冲动购买。
- Advertisers use them to stimulate impulse buying .
- 这将刺激经济总体增长和投资。
- That should stimulate overall growth and investment .
- 学会轻柔和充满技巧地予以刺激。
- Learn to stimulate it gently and skillfully .
- 加上装饰的标准斜体英文大写字母;作装饰用。花饰大写,通常配合斜体小写使用。
- Swash letter a florid version of standard italic capital letters , usually used for ornamentation . Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters .
- 不是所有的字体家族都包含有花式的变体。
- Not every font family has a swash variant .
- 轴向柱塞泵斜盘力矩分析。
- Analyses on swash plate moment of axial plunger pump .
- 这些天里,数千英里外的事件如同当地事件一样激发了人们的热情。
- These days , events thousands of miles away excite as much passion as local ones do .
- 如今,能够迸发出耀眼光芒并让我们为之激动、给我们灵感的人太少了。
- There are too few such inspirational figures around today to dazzle and excite .
- 但是为什么kohler洁具会让人激动不已?
- But why would kohler toilets be the thing that would really excite people ?
- 心脏病可就没有引起这么大的关注了。
- Heart disease does not arouse the same passion .
- 但是,在互联网盛行的今天,掩盖事实会激起民众的怀疑并产生相反的结果。
- But in the age of the internet , coverups arouse instant suspicion and are counter-productive .
- 有很多方法可以激起一个女性的兴奋,不过毫无疑问从心理上让她性奋同时也会让她生理上性奋。
- There are many ways to arouse a woman , but there 's no doubt that arousing her mind will get her body going .
- 它同样引发了激烈的争议。
- It also triggered fierce debate .
- 原因之一是竞争非常激烈。
- One reason is fierce competition .
- 同时,西方的一些鸽派政治家表示,人们对于判决激烈的反应的影响微乎其微。
- Some doves in the west , meanwhile , say that a fierce reaction is unlikely to have any impact .
- 印度已经在为暴力而担忧。
- India is already worryingly violent .
- 剧烈的星系合并能喂养超大质量黑洞。
- Violent galaxy mergers can feed supermassive black holes .
- 暴力犯罪更是司空见惯的事。
- Violent crime is particularly common .
- 政府开始坚持更加严格的标准,甚至将那些无视禁令的人抓做典型。
- The government is upholding its stricter standards , even making examples of those who defy its orders .
- 他们也将通过投票挑战那些普通邻居们的愿望。
- They will be voting to defy the wishes of their rather ordinary neighbours .
- 我发现他们身上最重要的特质就是想改变世界的那种激情,挑战机会和对成功的自信。
- The most common traits I have observed are a passion to change the world and the confidence to defy the odds and succeed .
- 敢将这致命的凶神捉牢?
- Dare its deadly terrors clasp ?
- 而今天,只有一小部分敢于拒绝。
- Today , only a handful dare abstain .
- 何等手敢将这火取?
- What the hand dare seize the fire ?