- 印度卢比债务市场跟外面的世界隔离开,这可以防止一些草率的习惯流入印度。
- The rupee debt market is ring-fenced from the outside world , which may have stopped sloppy habits immigrating .
- 有时候,双方都签署草率的合同,而且有些公司因为不明智的外包而破坏了整体的战略。
- Sometimes both parties write sloppy contracts . And some companies undermine their overall strategies with injudicious outsourcing .
- 但是,她们那些关于男女先天不同的论调是草率而具反效果的。
- But their arguments about the innate differences between men and women are sloppy and counterproductive .
- 她的字迹几近无法辨认。
- Her handwriting is almost illegible .
- 这封信字迹太潦草,像天书似的。
- This letter is as illegible as hieroglyphics .
- 他的签名潦草难以辨认。
- His signature was an illegible scrawl .
- 据说,你的同事都很邋遢,公司把厕所清洁工作外包给了报酬过低的清洁工。
- It says that your colleagues are slovenly and that the company has outsourced its cleaning to underpaid cleaners .
- 他不关注学徒们是年轻的;他关注的是他们是邋遢的,不熟练的,而且,人太多了。
- He did not mind that the apprentices were young ; he minded that they were slovenly and unskilled , and too many .
- 一座已呈没落丑陋的近代轮渡使得从海港到这座城市最伟大的、受人爱戴的总督阿曼德公爵塑像之间的步步上升的台阶都显得黯然无光;那座曾经气派的老酒店显得邋遢不堪、门可罗雀。
- The sweeping steps that rise from the harbour to the statue of the city 's greatest and best-loved governor , armand , duc de richelieu , are overshadowed by an ugly modern ferry terminal ; the grand old hotels are slovenly and ill-run .