- 在对该系列的流行度及其粉丝的疯狂度不够了解的情况下,这名青年演员签下了扮演酷爱华的三部电影合约,目的是为了泡上女主角。
- Unaware of the popularity of the book series or the insanity of its fanbase , the young actor signed on to play edward cullen in a three-movie contract deal in order to hit on to the lead actress .
- 在这张照片中,伯南克似乎已成为政治马戏团的一位演员。
- This showed mr bernanke as a performer in a political circus .
- 我们还可以更进一步:美国税法中的弯弯绕比百老汇演员的发型还要多。
- One could go on : the us tax code has more crazy kinks than a broadway performer 's hairdo .
- 一天,一个失业的哑剧演员去逛动物园,想在那儿做个街头艺人挣点钱。
- One day an out of work mime is visiting the zoo and attempts to earn some money as a street performer .