- 你无法控制,那就让你自己游荡在其中好了,那些事会引导你去的方向。
- You can 't control it . Allow yourself to wander if that 's where things lead you .
- 报道说,“他们就像失群的羊一样在城市里游荡。”
- " They wander like lost sheep in our city , " it reported .
- 地球覆灭了这种人类,但他们仍是地球上空游荡的圣灵。
- The earth covered over this race , but they still exist as holy spirits who wander over the earth .
- 基因漂变甚至可以抵消自然选择。
- Genetic drift can even counteract natural selection .
- 许多生物变化源于基因的随机漂变而非主动选择。
- Much change is due to random genetic drift rather than positive selection .
- 但是金还不能确定,发育漂变是否也出现在人类身上。
- Prof kim cannot yet say whether developmental drift occurs in humans .