- 带着这本书去海滩吧。
- Take it to the beach .
- 我可以借一床海滩草席吗?
- Can I borrow a beach mat ?
- 所以肯定是在一片海滩上。
- So this must be a beach .
- 现在,博士正在做一个机器捕食者,看看鱼群对这些凶恶入侵者将会会做出如何反映。
- He is now making a robot predator to see how the shoal reacts to less benign intruders .
- 而海豚携手合作,帮助鱼群浮出水面。
- Yet the dolphins work together to help drive the shoal towards the surface .
- 追踪鱼群中的个体十分的困难,幸运的是,外形识别软件的进步意味着它不再成为不可能。
- Tracking individual fish in a shoal is hard . Fortunately , advances in pattern-recognition software mean it is no longer impossible .
- 开始时,你在一页白纸上追踪思绪的高山、峡谷和激流。
- You set off on a blank page to explore the mountains and canyons and rapids of ideas .
- 当听见轰鸣的激流与汹涌的瀑布群时,他的反应则是:“来吧。”
- When he heard of high-volume rapids and tumultuous cascades , his reaction was " yes please . "
- 这种载人船具并不是我们通常看到的在湍急急流中使用的两人划桨独木舟;需要载重三十多人外加设备和供给的两只独木舟大约有60英尺长,47英尺宽。
- These were not the kind of canoes two people might use to shoot rapids ; one was sixty feet long and the other forty-seven feet . The two together carried more than thirty men with all their gear and supplies .
- 岛屿周围蓝绿色的海洋和白色粉末状的沙滩边缘迎合了大多数游客的需要。
- Turquoise seas and white powdery sands fringe the island which will satisfy most tourists .
- 开采焦油沙矿还需要砍伐树木并留下巨大的有毒衍生物池坑。
- Mining the sands also strips forest and creates vast ponds of toxic byproducts .
- 可怜可怜我们/在海边/在沙滩上/多么简短
- Pity us / beside the sea / on the sands / so briefly