- 今后视频数和图书数量仍将不断增长。
- Both catalogs will only grow with time .
- 如何才能让一个庞大的商业帝国实现持续增长呢?
- How do you continue to grow a behemoth ?
- 有人说玫瑰是很难种植。
- Some people say roses are difficult to grow .
- 只要算出你每天需要摄入多少大卡热量,用你以磅作单位的理想体重乘以14便可得到。
- To work out just how many calories you can eat daily , multiply your ideal body weight in pounds by 14 .
- 核辐射能破坏人体的自然免疫机制,使得癌细胞可以大量繁殖。
- Radiation exposure can disrupt the body 's natural control mechanisms and allow cancer cells to multiply .
- 癌细胞不是有组织有计划地进行复制并形成正常组织,而是疯狂地繁殖。
- Instead of replicating to an organised plan and forming normal tissue , cancer cells multiply madly .
- 生育权是已达到法定结婚年龄的公民依法享有的是否生育子女和如何生育子女的一项人格权。
- The right of procreation is a kind of personal right which is enjoyed by marriageable citizens to procreate or not .
- 迷恋期是自然界确保男人和女人有足够时间繁殖后代的生物学陷阱。
- Infatuation is nature 's biological trick to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate .
- 不充分拓殖行星的原因是你要人口尽可能长久的生育。
- The reason for not fully colonizing a planet is that you want the colonists to procreate for as long as possible .
- 试着使用一个香脂或头发造型蜡来到塑造这种凌乱的效果。
- Try using a pomade or styling wax to mold your hair up into this messy shape .
- 我身上全是水泡,我的脸看起来像融化了的蜡。
- My body was covered in blisters . My face looked like melted wax .
- 盒子被蜡封住,盖子是被焊牢的。
- The box had been sealed with wax and soldered shut .
- 夏天真是别有一番风味。
- Summers often have a flavour .
- 你喜欢哪一种味道的避孕套?
- Which flavour of condom do you prefer ?
- 它植根于日本的传统,但带有明显的美国风味。
- It is based on japanese tradition , but has a decided american flavour .
- 它们被炒或者做成蛋卷,或者作为蛋菜的一个成分之一,或者像蛋黄酱和冰淇淋之类的产品。
- They are scrambled or made into omelets , or used as ingredients in egg dishes or other foods such as mayonnaise or ice cream .
- 她倒了一些蛋黄酱,加了一点大蒜碎和胡椒粉,搅拌,然后用勺子抹在面包片上。
- She adds the mayonnaise , some garlic , some pepper , mixes briefly , and plops a spoonful onto the bread .
- 我知道,在我们分享一盘螯虾,把手指伸到蛋黄酱中的时候,他的感觉和我一模一样。
- I know that he is feeling what I am feeling when we share a plateful of fresh langoustines , dipped with our fingers in a rough mayonnaise .
- 例如,当沃尔玛要求百事可乐与多力多滋举办2月份超级杯赛那样的联合促销时,百事能“在24小时内作出回应,而不再需要花费6周的时间”。
- When wal-mart calls asking for a joint promotion of , say , pepsi and doritos , as it did forthesuper bowl in february , pepsi can " respond in 24 hours , instead of six weeks . "
- 纳比斯科,多滋,焦炭等,都是有商标的名称。
- Nabisco , doritos , coke and so on are all trademarked names .
- 这段在wong波士顿家里录制的视频里,wong试图通过吃多利多和披萨证明自己是个彻头彻尾的美国人--而他吃这些的工具则是筷子。
- In the film , made at wong 's home in the boston area , wong tries to prove he 's all-american by eating doritos and pizza - with chopsticks .