- 人们普遍预计这将是最先因全球变暖而被上升的海平面所淹没的岛屿之一。
- It is widely predicted to be one of the first islands to drown in the rising seas caused by global warming .
- 你可以用水来淹死一个孩子或用来给你解渴。
- You can use water to drown a child or quench his thirst .
- 再把火蚁扔在水里,就能把它淹死了。
- Toss it in water , and it 'll eventually drown .
- 这将是一个错误;虽然部分投资者还在水面上挥手呼救,其它人大概快要溺水身亡了。
- That would be a mistake ; while some investors are waving , others are probably drowning .
- 有失神发作病史的孩子必须在严密的看护下进行游泳和洗澡,因为会有溺水的危险。
- Children with a history of absence seizure must be supervised carefully while swimming or bathing because of the danger of drowning .
- 若是被问到是否偷过东西,大多数人会说没有。我们会不会试图去救一名溺水者?
- If asked whether we 'd steal , most of us would say no. would we try to save a drowning person ?
- 那少数支持者的声音被淹没了。
- The few supporters are drowned out .
- 在受灾较严重的几个城市里过半数以上人口被淹死或失踪。
- In several towns over half the population has drowned or is missing .
- 这句话所导致的刺耳噪音淹没了一切其他的事情。
- The resulting cacophony has drowned out everything else .