- 所谓的滑动是指挤压大陆板块多年的海洋构造板块在地震中像弹簧一样向后跳跃所产生的位移。
- Slip is the displacement that results when the tectonic oceanic plate jumps back like a spring during an earthquake after years of compressing the continental plate .
- 人们滑入水中,立刻无影无踪。
- People slip underwater out of sight .
- 实现目标意味着你要在机会从你的手指间溜走之前把它们抓住。
- Achieving any goal means grabbing hold of these opportunities before they slip through your fingers .
- 有没有可以滑出来的架子?
- Are there shelves that slide out ?
- 但整体下跌趋势可能还会继续。
- But the general slide will likely continue .
- 日本重新滑入了衰退的轨道。
- Japan proceeded to slide back into recession .
- 电动踏板车滑行通过主题公园,仓库和硅谷周围沿人行道,但在其他地方很少见到。
- Segways glide through theme parks , around warehouses and along silicon valley pavements , but are seldom seen elsewhere .
- 他表示,现代飞机的滑翔距离比那时将近远25%,下一代飞机还将有所进步。
- Today 's airliners would glide about 25 % farther , he says , and the next generation promises additional gains .
- 迄今投放测试已经验证ss2飞船有能力滑行降落。
- Drop tests conducted to date have verified ss2 's capability to glide to a runway landing .
- 看,壁画都应该要在潮湿的石膏上画,否则它们会剥离。
- See , frescoes are supposed to be painted on wet plaster or they start to peel .
- 忘掉那些贴膏药式的纾困和挤牙膏式的紧缩方案吧,欧元区债务危机的终极解决办法是“政治联盟”。
- Forget the sticking plaster bail-outs and slice-by-slice austerity packages . The ultimate solution to the eurozone debt crisis is " political union " .
- 至于暗能量的想法,艾莉森将它称为“贴膏药”,以此来掩盖我们实际并不了解这究竟是什么的事实。
- As for the idea of dark energy , alison describes it as a " sticking plaster " that masks the fact that we don 't really know what it represents .
- 中间的一行有七个音节。
- The middle line has seven syllables .
- 这里是第二条装配线。
- Here is the second assembly line .
- 有史以来最棒的销售线?
- The best sales line ever ?
- 正是iphone手机时髦的设计和直观的用户界面,使苹果能够在智能手机市场从寂寂无闻跃居领先位置。
- It was the sleek design and intuitive user interface of the iphone that vaulted apple from nowhere into a leading position in the smartphone market .
- 他设计的潜水器有固定的两翼和光滑延展的机身,和飞机的一样。
- His submersible designs have fixed wings and sleek , elongated fuselages , like those on an aircraft .
- 选择前者,就为在豪华大厦研究光滑铝车专家们提供了一次机会,但若是后者,问题本身就会变得越来越棘手。
- If the former , then experts in beautiful buildings and sleek aluminium have a chance . If the latter , the question becomes a whole lot harder .
- 木质墙板如绸缎般光滑,客厅里洋溢着一种现代的男性风格,其中掺杂着些许颓废的气息。
- All satin and glossy wood panels , the living room has a modern , masculine flair with just a whiff of decadence .
- 在马杰拉精品店,顾客最后拿走的不是光亮的手提袋,而是白色帆布袋;设计工作室的员工穿着类似实验室工作服的白大褂。
- In margiela boutiques , instead of a glossy carrier bag , purchases are taken away in white canvas sacks , and the staff in the design studios wear white coats that resemble lab coats .
- 这只动物在贴着地表油亮一片的美洲鬼臼间穿过,留下了一条通路,由此可以看出其大小这就足以让她心跳加速了。
- She knew the animal 's size from the path it had left through the glossy undergrowth of mayapples , and that was enough to speed up her heart .
- 系列故事中,哈利在小的时候就被赠与了隐身斗篷,从此隐身斗篷便一次次的保护他潜行游走不被发现。
- Bestowed upon a young harry early in the series , the invisibility cloak has since helped him sneak around undetected .
- 可能还会出现爬行机器人、有爪机器人、擦洗机器人、潜行机器人、润滑机器人等等。
- Better said would be creep bots , crawl bots , scrub bots , sneak bots , lube bots , and so on .
- 他偷了钱后从房子里溜了出去。
- He stole the money and sneak out of the house .
- 如有可能,内罗斯会从他父亲身边溜走。
- Neiros would slip away from his father when he could .
- 所以,不要让生活点滴轻易地从你手心溜走。
- So don 't let your life and your mind slip away .
- 于是,唯一一次改变生活的绝好机会就这样从身边溜走。
- Their only chance of a better life starts to slip away from them .