- 在另一个碗里合并所有湿的材料。
- In a separate bowl combine all of the wet ingredients .
- 潮湿的衣服和寒冷的天气是一对危险的组合。
- Wet clothes and cold weather are a dangerous combination .
- 孤独、潮湿、寒冷,但是我坚持了我的梦想!
- Lonely and wet and cold , but that I kept my dream !
- 这将抑制它们的放贷意愿。
- That will damp their will to lend .
- 银行这样减少资产会抑制经济增长。
- Such asset reductions can damp economic growth .
- 将蔬菜存放在稍微潮湿的沙子里面是多年以来的蔬菜存储方法。
- Keeping vegetables in slightly damp sand has been a storage method for many centuries .
- 并把最近空气质量问题归咎于近几周的大幅降水和今夏潮湿雾气。
- They blamed the problems on recent weeks of unusually heavy rains that left behind a humid summer haze .
- 但是今天实在又潮又热,实在不是一个考虑跑多长或者多快的好日子。
- But today was really hot and humid so I decided it wasn 't a good day to worry about how long or fast I was running .
- 非洲梅是一种常绿树种,在非洲潮湿的热带雨林地区,南到安哥拉,北至尼日利亚均可见到。
- Safou is an evergreen tree found in the humid tropical forests of africa , as far south as angola , and as far north as nigeria .