- 村上春树是一个温柔的、描画负空间的画家。
- Murakami is a tender painter of negative spaces .
- 然而,政府在挑选合作伙伴时没有采用投标竞争机制,导致贿赂成风。
- However , the government never set up tender contests to pick its corporate partners , encouraging corruption .
- 但他们表示,在投标过程中,安全是中央政府关注的一个问题。
- But they said that safety had been an issue for the central government in the tender .
- 我的妻子非常温柔。
- My wife is very gentle .
- 其它地方的教练可没这么温柔。
- Elsewhere some trainers are less gentle .
- 这是因为民主党人太过温和与好说话吗?
- Was this because the democrats were too gentle and accommodating ?
- 政治学家通常认为,年龄越大、教育程度越高、富有、专注的选民,应该会更加知情。
- Political scientists normally assume that the older , more educated , wealthy and attentive voters are , the better informed they will be .
- 一名出色的外科医生离不开称职的麻醉师、细心的手术室护士和得力的清洁员。
- A brilliant surgeon cannot perform without a competent anaesthetist , attentive theatre nurses and effective cleaners .
- 雄性红狐狸也是细心的父亲,它会兴冲冲地和小狐狸玩耍,也会为全家带回食物。
- Male red foxes are attentive dads , playing excitedly with their pups and bringing food home for the whole family .