- 还有,如果你喜欢冷清,那里就是一种遥远的海滩。
- Well if you like the deserted , remote kind of beach that is .
- 熄了灯街街道略显冷清,走到开阔地带又能听到喋喋不休的对话,进入有音乐和灯光的地带。
- Unlit , the street looks deserted until you pass an open doorway and step into a shaft of chatter , music and light .
- 在一个废弃的城市中高高耸起的太阳金字塔和月亮金字塔蔚为壮观,默默站立在墨西哥的天际线上。
- With a towering presence over a deserted city , the pyramids of the sun and moon stand in majestic silence against the mexican skyline .
- 危险在这种美丽荒凉中等待着你,也许还有火星人。
- Danger awaits you on this the desolate beauty , and perhaps martians too .
- 在这荒凉的地方,她再怎样尖叫,他也不怕。
- Of her screams in that desolate region he had no fear .
- 另外,他们能看见的只是一片丑陋和荒凉的原野,是否充斥着野兽和野人?
- Besides , what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness , full of wilde beasts and wilde men ?
- 在奥巴马第一个任期时,他对国会联盟有些孤傲,而对敌人很冷淡。
- In his first term mr obama was cool with congressional allies and chilly with foes .
- 然而,历来冷淡的关系可能会阻碍商界与山中弥伸这样的大学研究人员进行合作。
- But businesses can be impeded from working with university researchers such as prof yamanaka by historically chilly relations .
- 一旦基准利率接近零,不管经济前景如何冷淡,都无法再继续采取降息举措了。
- Once the base rate gets close to zero , that approach no longer works , however chilly the economic outlook .