- 混浊水的声衰减研究进展及应用前景。
- Recent advance and application prospects of sound attenuation in turbid water .
- 除了可以赚钱外,还可以在这混浊的环境中把很多不快乐不知不觉中发泄出去。
- In addition to can make money , also in this turbid environment and make many unhappy imperceptibly to vent out .
- 有云浑浊大气中的臭氧及氧气的光离化系数。
- The photodissociation coefficients of oxygen and ozone in the cloudy turbid atmosphere .
- 李氏杆菌生长在潮湿、泥泞的环境中,通常由动物携带。
- Listeria bacteria grow in moist , muddy conditions and are often carried by animals .
- 见见学生们,绕着泥泞的操场跑一跑,之后就回家吧。
- Meetings with students , a run around the muddy pitches , then back to the house .
- 通过不让他的角色学到河流的知识,马克-吐温可以和他的读者一起分享对混浊的密西西比河的惊奇感觉。
- By keeping his characters from learning about the river , twain is able to share a sense of wonder with his readers of the muddy mississippi .
- 尿混浊是肾虚吗?
- Is urine nubecula deficiency of the kidney ?
- 高浓度可引起角膜混浊,呼吸道炎症,甚至肺水肿。
- Tetrachloride of high density may cause nubecula , airway inflammation or even pneumochysis .
- 对眼睛及上呼吸道有强烈的刺激和灼伤作用,会引起角膜混浊、呼吸道炎症甚至肺水肿。
- It is highly irritating and will burn the eyes and upper respiratory tract . It 'll cause nubecula , airway inflammation or even pneumochysis .
- 然后发展成有一层薄薄的外层的水泡,可以清楚地看到里面浑浊的液体。
- They develop into thin-walled blisters filled with clear fluid , which becomes cloudy .
- 其中四人在多云的天空下行走最终全都绕着圈子,尽管他们思考着如何沿着直线走。
- Four of them walked under a cloudy sky and all ended up walking in circles , despite thinking they were going straight .
- 根据传说,他们拥有一种即使在天空多云的情况下也可以指向太阳的石头。
- According to the sagas they had stones which could point to the sun , even when the sky was cloudy .
- 伊朗采取不透明的姿态很好解释。
- There is good reason for its opacity .
- 在不久前不透明性的倡导者的呼声是最高的。
- Not long ago the cheerleaders of opacity were the loudest .
- 慈善机构寄希望于永远不透明的运作将会是不明智的。
- Charities would be unwise to rely on protective opacity for ever .