CAC 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Why did you get fired from the cac ?
- 你为什么被cac解雇呢?
- The french cac 40 index finished 4.7 % lower at 2999.54 .
- 法国cac40指数收于2999.54点,下跌4.7%。
- In france , the cac 40 index is up 18 % from its low in late september .
- 在法国,cac40指数从9月下旬的低点上涨了18%。
- European equities suffered more with the dax-30 in germany down 5 per cent and france 's cac 40 off 5.3 per cent .
- 欧洲股市的表现更糟,德国dax-30指数大跌5%,法国cac40指数大跌5.3%。