- 我的内心深处告诉我并没有被抛弃.
- Deep down I knew I wasn 't abandoned .
- 莫斯科的影响确实积怨甚深。
- Moscow 's influence runs deep indeed .
- 我们与以色列的友谊深厚而长久。
- Our friendship with israel is deep and enduring .
- 然后让我的手感到沉重。
- Feel my hands get heavy .
- 重型汽车经过这座桥会很危险。
- This bridge was dangerous for heavy cars .
- 该国曾经尽力建造重型坦克和轻型战斗机。
- It struggled to make heavy tanks and light combat aircraft .
- 你能感觉到有多枯燥和乏味吗?
- How dull and boring can you get ?
- 欧洲的大选传统上是沉闷的。
- European elections are traditionally dull affairs .
- 总得有人来确保完成那些枯燥但必需的工作。
- Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done .
- 其中一间是全黑房。
- One of the cells is totally dark .
- 为什么他经常戴着深色的太阳镜?
- Why does he often wear dark sunglasses ?
- 这是一个阴暗邋遢的2月。
- It was dark and dingy february .