- 坐在那里进行着静脉点滴,我想到了所有的人类劳动和独创性在这一时刻汇聚到了一起。
- Sitting with my iv drip , I like to think about all the human labour and ingenuity that come together in this medical moment .
- 他在身前拿着她的包,保持一定的距离,这样它就不滴在他的衣服上了。
- He holds her bag in front of him , at arm 's length so that it does not drip on his suit .
- 流入我血管中的滴液源自由无数个支流汇集成的河流。
- The drip flowing into my vein is drawn from a river with innumerable tributaries .
- 真是这个小屋在福岛县爆炸了。
- It 's the shed that exploded today at fukushima .
- 伦敦交通局里面没有人会掉眼泪。
- Few at tfl will shed any tears .
- 过了一段时间,姑妈注意到康拉丁总是去小屋。
- After a time the aunt noticed conradin 's visits to the shed .
- 疯狂的相互奉献持续了数周后,第一件困扰人心的事情便出现了:他陷入了对方批评声的细流之中。
- Mad mutual devotion follows for weeks . Then the first alarming note : a trickle of criticism from his partner .
- 在临产前胎膜破裂的大多数人,在第一滴羊水滴落后12小时内就能感受到第一次宫缩;也有一部分人会在24小时内感受到。
- Most women whose membranes rupture before labor begins can expect to feel the first contraction within 12 hours of that first trickle ; most others can expect to feel it within 24 hours .
- 祖母指着一块在地上的上面爬满了蚂蚁和围着嗡嗡叫,趴在上面吸食的苍蝇的羊肉说,那时一块令人讨厌的被太阳加热过的肉,还渗透着一滴油脂。
- It was covered with ants , and flies were zooming above it , landing on it , sucking it . It was a vile piece of meat that was being warmed by the sun , and a trickle of fat seeped out of it .