- 两位候选者都谴责这次诽谤。
- Both condemned the smear campaign .
- 批评运动的人必须面对的恶毒的诽谤。
- People who criticise the movement can face nasty smear campaigns .
- 通过血涂片可以诊断红细胞形态或大小方面的异常,及是否有红细胞寄生虫。
- A blood smear should be evaluated for abnormalities in rbc morphology or size and for rbc parasites .
- 她在窗玻璃上擦拭的是罪之污点。
- What she rubs on the window is the stain of sin .
- 对于任何污渍,都一定要尽快处理。
- Always treat any stain as soon as you can .
- 轻轻地将啤酒搓擦进布料,这样污渍就会消失。
- Rub the beer lightly into the material , and the stain should disappear .
- 你们不可玷污所住之地,就是我住在其中之地,因为我耶和华住在以色列人中间。
- Do not defile the land where you live and where I dwell , for I , the lord , dwell among the israelites . ' "
- 仅仅因为某位流行的好莱坞名星要亵渎你的作品,并不意味着你还要助其一臂之力。
- Just because some current hollywood star is going to defile your work doesn 't mean you have to lend a hand .
- 对“造反猫咪”成员的审讯,使他们能够以谴责不道德行为的名义,把反对普京和俄国政府的人描绘为邪恶和不可信赖的群体,这个群体正是企图玷污俄国和她的传统的外部势力的化身。
- The trial against the members of pussy riot provides an opportunity to use the language of moral outrage to paint those opposed to mr putin and the russian government as louche and untrustworthy , the embodiments of exactly the sort of outside forces that seek to defile russia and its traditions .