- 利用氘粒子活化分析测定高温超导体中的氧含量。
- Determination of oxygen content in high tc superconductors by deuteron particle activation analysis .
- 下面的一些照片显示,脏水正在穿越tchardy高中及chiremba小学地区。
- Some of these pictures show sewerage flowing through tc hardy high school and chiremba primary school .
- 混合态高温超导体之霍尔效应。
- The hall effect of the mixed state in high tc superconductor .
- 而穆克什甚至在斯坦福mba课程还未完成之际,就回来开创了一家涤纶公司。
- Mukesh returned to set up a polyester factory even before completing his mba at stanford .
- nike公司回收了1300万个废弃的塑料瓶,将他们融化,并将他们纺成涤纶面料。
- Nike rescued 13 million used plastic bottles , melted them down , and wove them into polyester .
- pet是炼油业的附属产品,是一种强壮,抗摔打和性价比很高的聚酯。
- Strong , shatterproof and a highly valued form of polyester , pet is a by-product of the oil industry .