- 经济体有自身的起伏这一点不妨看一看迪拜。
- Economies have their ups and downs look at dubai .
- 不由自主地分享一些盛衰沉浮不拘泥于任何其他的东西.
- Spontaneously by sharing some of the ups and downs . Without emphasizing any specific aspect .
- 从气候数据中显示的自然的盛衰发现有长期的趋势挑战。
- Natural ups and downs that appear in climate data make detecting long-term trends challenging .
- 在无泡沫时期,对于基础价值有变幻无常的估值,而价格就在这些估值周围振荡。
- In the absence of bubbles , prices oscillate around uncertain estimates of fundamental value .
- 微粒可以弯曲光线,并改变其振动方向,即所谓的偏振。
- The grains should ' twist ' the light rays changing the direction in which they oscillate a property called polarisation .
- 他们使用一低音炮振动一圆柱体内的空气,“就像空气上下流动的一风洞”,张军解释道。
- They used a subwoofer to oscillate the air inside a cylinder , " acting like a wind tunnel with air moving up and down , " zhang explains .