- 跟着我的导游我突然我发现自己身处在一个狭窄的小道里,在那里有很多画着浓妆穿着艳丽的衣服的年轻女孩站成了一排。
- Following my fixer I suddenly found myself inside one of those narrow lanes , where young girls with heavy makeup and colorful clothes were lined up .
- 我改变我的睡衣和应用浓妆。
- I change into my nightclothes and apply heavy makeup .
- 《全球营商环境报告》中的统计数字向人们展现的景象,有时与外国投资和经济增长数据所描绘的景象并不一致。
- Doing business statistics sometimes show a different picture to that painted by statistics on foreign investment and economic growth .
- 在他后面,我可以看见海蒂那映在窗玻璃上的脸,上面描绘着希望。
- Behind him , I could see hattie 's face reflected in the window glass , painted with hope .
- 但昨日交易大部分时间,投资者关注的焦点是11月份强劲的全球制造业报告这些报告描绘了一幅令人鼓舞的画面。
- But the focus for much of the session came from robust global manufacturing reports for november , which painted an encouraging picture .