- 既然心灵不可能是一泓永远宁静的湖水、当翻涌混浊的波澜时,需要的则是正确的疏导与宣泄。
- Since the soul is not always tranquil lake james , when the launch turbidity currents , the need is to give the correct guidance .
- 摘要目的探讨复合电磁场降低水的浑浊度和除氟功能。
- Objective to study the function of electromagnetic fields on decrease turbidity value and fluoride in drinking water .
- 另一方面,盖茨比对黛西的这份纯情所面对的是混浊的世界。
- On the other hand , daisy gatsby on the face of the innocent is the turbidity of the world .
- 朦胧夜色把村庄笼罩起来了。
- Shadowy dimness crept over the countryside .
- 他认为,教堂应当以观赏和倾听为设计初衷没有阴暗,没有窃窃私语。
- Churches , he thought , should be designed for seeing and hearing-no dimness , no murmuring .
- 不算在下议院代表执政党的下院议员人数;扣除那些由于观念、年龄、性格或不明立场而不适合政府机构的人员;剩下的就没几个可以填满100多个职位供首相驱策了。
- Take the number of mps who represent the governing party in the house of commons ; subtract those unsuited to government office because of their views , age , disposition or dimness ; and there aren 't too many left to fill the 100-odd posts at the prime minister 's disposal .
- 老是这样浓云密布,我真受不了。
- This constant cloudiness is what gets me down .
- 这种朦胧就是那的副作用。
- This cloudiness is a byproduct of that .
- 近40年青藏高原东侧地区云、日照、温度及日较差的分析。
- Analyses of cloudiness , sunshine , temperature and daily range on the eastern side of qinghai-xizang plateau in recent 40 years .