- 类似地其他更抽象的对象比如洗一副纸牌,或支配我们宇宙的力如果在类似于扭动或翻转的数学运算后仍保持不变,也可以被看作是对称的。
- Other , more abstract objects-the shuffle of a pack of cards , the forces that govern our universe-can likewise be thought of as symmetrical if they remain unchanged after mathematical operations analogous to twisting and flipping .
- 穆巴拉克周六作出上述两项任命之前,美国警告称,仅仅“洗牌”,改组一下他领导的政府,将是不够的。
- Saturday 's appointments followed a warning from the united states that it would not be enough simply to " shuffle the deck " with a shake-up of his government .
- 此外,科特和他的团队还对霍尼韦尔的投资组合进行了洗牌重组,大力发展前景可观的业务;同时还引入了霍尼韦尔运营体系来提高生产力。
- In addition , mr cote and his team proceeded to shuffle honeywell 's portfolio , to be in businesses with stronger growth prospects ; as well as introducing the hos , to improve productivity .
- 我可以听到周围的人洗牌。
- I can hear someone shuffling around .
- 解决办法是从新洗牌。
- The solution was paper shuffling .
- 梦是对旧有神经连接的洗牌,使我们能够保存重要的连接,清除无效的连接。
- Dreaming is a shuffling of old connections that allows us to keep the important connections and erase the inefficient links .