- 遗憾的是,本届世博会的筹备工作却很难证明上海能够做到这一点:为了美化城市,大片的传统住宅被拆除,这种不顾后果奔向未来的做法,存在彻底毁掉历史的危险。
- Unfortunately , preparing for expo hardly demonstrated its credentials in that regard : vast tracts of traditional housing were knocked down to beautify the city , a heedless rush to the future that risks eradicating history .
- 我们急匆匆地冲回家,狼吞虎咽地扒完饭,就为了赶上这个或那个电视节目。
- Now all our free time is regulated by the ' goggle box ' we rush home or gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that program .
- 鸟巢体育馆已经开始禁止使用,很难有一个相关的标准去评估奥林匹克对一个城市的影响,这个城市为了去追求快速的工业化,要故意拆掉古建筑。
- That the bird 's nest stadium has fallen into disuse is hardly a relevant criterion for evaluating the impact of hosting the olympics for a city that has made it a point to tear down ancient structures in its rapid rush to industrialize .
- 习极少容许外界瞥见他是如何治理国家的。
- Xi has the outside world s of how he governs .
- 习设法通过不冒犯和进攻重要人士以及避免木秀于林上升到如今的高度。
- Xi has to rise to where he is by not ing important people and by avoiding standing out .
- 他那清除异己,建立单一伊斯兰辖区的设想无论多么不切实际,还是会吸引一些对于自己领袖唯利是图深表厌恶的穆斯林们。
- His vision , however impractical , of purging islam and establishing a single islamic caliphate appealed to muslims disgusted by the venality of their own elites .
- 而清洗也可引发嘴部、咽喉和唾液腺的肿胀和口臭。
- Purging can also trigger swelling in the mouth , throat , and salivary glands as well as bad breath .
- 本月,巴基斯坦最高法院裁定,穆沙拉夫为保住总统职位而孤注一掷,在2007年宣布进入紧急统治状态,并对多名法官进行清洗,这种行为违反了宪法。
- This month the supreme court ruled that mr musharraf had violated the constitution by imposing emergency rule and purging the judiciary in november 2007 in a desperate attempt to hold on to the presidency .