- 偶尔作者给让其感到特别恼火的修订添加了简明的注脚。
- Occasionally the author adds a terse footnote to a redaction he feels especially sore about .
- 其中的一个脚注解释了为什么运动员不会偷懒,而是孜孜不倦地提升技艺。
- A footnote explains why sportsmen do not shirk enough , overinvesting in their skills .
- 这项研究,在当时看来对偌大的生活只有注脚那么大逐渐变成章节那么大。
- The study that seemed at the time a mere footnote to a large life was growing into a chapter .
- 同意者再下标喔!
- The consent of another subscript !
- 并根据该系统在汶川8.0级特大地震的使用情况,提出了保证系统安全有效运行应考虑保障措施建议。
- According to the usage on the site of wenchuan m ( subscript s ) 8.0 earthquake , the safeguard measures were put forward to assure the safe and effective operation of the system .
- 基于稀盐酸介质中,亚硝酸根与结晶紫的褪色反应,建立了测定痕量亚硝酸根的新方法。
- A new method based on the color-fading reaction of crystal violet with no ( superscript - subscript 2 ) in dilute hydrochloric acid for determination of trace nitrite was established .