- 李氏杆菌生长在潮湿、泥泞的环境中,通常由动物携带。
- Listeria bacteria grow in moist , muddy conditions and are often carried by animals .
- 见见学生们,绕着泥泞的操场跑一跑,之后就回家吧。
- Meetings with students , a run around the muddy pitches , then back to the house .
- 通过不让他的角色学到河流的知识,马克-吐温可以和他的读者一起分享对混浊的密西西比河的惊奇感觉。
- By keeping his characters from learning about the river , twain is able to share a sense of wonder with his readers of the muddy mississippi .
- 印度卢比债务市场跟外面的世界隔离开,这可以防止一些草率的习惯流入印度。
- The rupee debt market is ring-fenced from the outside world , which may have stopped sloppy habits immigrating .
- 有时候,双方都签署草率的合同,而且有些公司因为不明智的外包而破坏了整体的战略。
- Sometimes both parties write sloppy contracts . And some companies undermine their overall strategies with injudicious outsourcing .
- 但是,她们那些关于男女先天不同的论调是草率而具反效果的。
- But their arguments about the innate differences between men and women are sloppy and counterproductive .
- 在此之前,印尼一直唯中泰两国马首是瞻,在掩盖实情的泥潭中越陷越深。
- Until now , indonesia has followed their lead , only to sink ever deeper into the mire .
- 然而,这些努力能否令密歇根走出泥沼,还无法估计。
- However it is impossible to guess whether such efforts will pull michigan out of the mire .
- 南方的政客试图把关于内战的这些激怒言辞进一步提升,却发现自己屡陷困境。
- Southern politicians who have tried to rise above the passionate rhetoric surrounding the civil war have frequently found themselves dragged back into the mire .