- 在此之前,印尼一直唯中泰两国马首是瞻,在掩盖实情的泥潭中越陷越深。
- Until now , indonesia has followed their lead , only to sink ever deeper into the mire .
- 然而,这些努力能否令密歇根走出泥沼,还无法估计。
- However it is impossible to guess whether such efforts will pull michigan out of the mire .
- 南方的政客试图把关于内战的这些激怒言辞进一步提升,却发现自己屡陷困境。
- Southern politicians who have tried to rise above the passionate rhetoric surrounding the civil war have frequently found themselves dragged back into the mire .
- 潘伟迪指出,并不是金融服务业的所有员工都需要为当前这场经济危机负责;他补充说,那些需要为花旗眼下困境负责的人已经离职,花旗已经采取迅速举措精简旗下业务。
- He noted that not all workers in the financial services field are to blame for the current economic morass , adding that the banking giant removed the people who are responsible for the company 's distress and acted quickly to streamline its business .
- 如果欧元彻底消失,如何处置以欧元计价的合同,将成为一个法律上的泥淖。
- If the euro were to disappear altogether , the question of how to handle euro-denominated contracts would be a legal morass .
- 然而到了夜晚,幕布会用聚光灯点亮,有许许多多的甲壳虫、飞蛾和小虫在上面乱爬。
- Spotlit by night , however , it writhes with a slithering morass of beetles , moths and bugs .