- 在哈佛,奥巴马成了哈佛法学评论的第一位黑人主编。
- At harvard , obama became the first black president of the harvard law review .
- 制定一个新选举法。
- 2 Get a new electoral law .
- 专利法的一个新的里程碑?
- A new landmark for patent law ?
- 他还将表示,在欧盟的新规定出现在成员国的法令全书上之前,问题就会发生改变。
- He will also say that the problem will have changed before any new european union rules are on the statute books of member countries .
- 而其他各案均因诉讼时效或豁免权的法规,而已经被撤销。
- The others have all been dropped , because of the statute of limitations or the immunity rule .
- 在别处,他支持西班牙的一个新双边关系,这暗示着新修改的自治法规也将支持这一关系。
- Elsewhere he has argued for a new bilateral relationship with spain , implying that a revised autonomy statute would do .