- addax是在库尔德斯坦经营时间最长的石油公司之一,运营着taqtaq油田和一系列石油开采地中心地区的炼油业务。
- Addax is one of the longest - established players in iraqi kurdistan , operating the taq taq oil field and refinery at the centre of a patchwork of oil concessions .
- 高升杯基层建设征文竞赛辽河油田高升采油厂协力党的十六大提出加强和改进基层党支部建设。
- Rise construction of cup basic level calls for paper oil field of agonistic distant river rises cooperative 16th national congress of communist party of china puts forward oil extraction factory to strengthen and improve construction of basic level party branch .
- 本房屋3室1厅,地点位置优胜比邻油田高中十二中学钻井小学松江小学。
- This building 3 rooms 1 hall , situation is advantageous high school of near neighbour oil field elementary school of loose river of elementary school of artesian well of 12 middle schools .
- 为了午餐而进行一场野外旅行。
- Take a field trip for lunch .
- 该领域必须进行根本性变革。
- The field must be revamped fundamentally .
- 神经科学是一个派别林立的领域。
- Neuroscience is a splintered field .
- 利比亚南部由国际集团运营的油田有自己的简易机场。
- The oilfields in the south of the country run by international groups have their own airstrips .
- 中石化在全球进行大举收购,花费数十亿美元收购非洲和中东的油田。
- Sinopec has been on an aggressive worldwide shopping spree , spending billions of dollars on oilfields across africa and the middle east .
- 中石化集团已经参与了得克萨斯州和怀俄明州的两个清洁煤炭规划项目的建设,这些项目旨在捕集煤炭加工过程中产生的二氧化碳,并把二氧化碳用于美国油田里强化采油流程。
- Sinopec for its part is already involved in construction of two planned clean-coal projects in texas and wyoming , which aim to capture carbon dioxide from coal processing and use it as part of enhanced oil-recovery processes in u.s. oilfields .