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- The oilfields in the south of the country run by international groups have their own airstrips .
- 利比亚南部由国际集团运营的油田有自己的简易机场。
- Sinopec has been on an aggressive worldwide shopping spree , spending billions of dollars on oilfields across africa and the middle east .
- 中石化在全球进行大举收购,花费数十亿美元收购非洲和中东的油田。
- Sinopec for its part is already involved in construction of two planned clean-coal projects in texas and wyoming , which aim to capture carbon dioxide from coal processing and use it as part of enhanced oil-recovery processes in u.s. oilfields .
- 中石化集团已经参与了得克萨斯州和怀俄明州的两个清洁煤炭规划项目的建设,这些项目旨在捕集煤炭加工过程中产生的二氧化碳,并把二氧化碳用于美国油田里强化采油流程。
- Tripoli also controls the oilfields of the south-west of the country , operated by repsol ypf of spain and eni of italy , and the fields near the city of sirte .
- 现政府还控制着西南部由西班牙雷普索尔ypf公司(repsolypf)和意大利埃尼公司(eni)运营的油田,以及锡尔特市附近的油田。
- Over the past two days , rebels have seized control of the bulk of libya 's oil industry including the country 's largest oilfields in the so-called sirte basin and the main terminals as they have pushed back muammer gaddafi 's forces with the assistance of nato air strikes .
- 过去两天,在北约(nato)空中打击的支持下,反政府军逼退了卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)的军队,并夺取了利比亚石油业主体部分的控制权包括该国在锡尔特(sirte)盆地的最大油田与主要港口。
- ' The hope is that gadhafi 's followers will now lay down their arms , the security situation will improve , and libya 's oilfields will soon go back into production , ' said mike wittner , a senior commodities analyst at societe generale .
- 法国兴业银行(societegenerale)大宗商品资深分析师维特纳(mikewittner)说,所幸的是,卡扎菲的追随者现在将放下武器,利比亚国内安全局势将得以改善,利比亚的油田将很快恢复生产。
- Industry analysts say sinopec is eager to tap similar processes at home to maintain production at its own domestic oilfields .
- 产业分析人士说,中石化急于在国内采用同样的工艺,以保证国内油田的产量。