- 若我跪下,若我参加礼仪,做出那些古老的奇怪动作,是为了你们,陌生的人物,我要崇拜的是你们;若我张开手臂,我要拥抱的是你们,我要吸引过来的是你们可敬的世界!
- If I fall on my knees , if I go through the ritual , the ancient antics , it 's you , unknown figures , you I adore ; if I open my arms , it 's you I embrace , you I draw to me-adorable world !
- 它相当于现实世界里吹牛的资本:比如,某不知名的乐队成为大热门之前自己曾是它的伯乐。
- In the real world , this translates to bragging rights : being the first to spot an unknown band before they 're blowing up the airwaves .
- 伪基督将会是一个四十多岁的男人,穆斯林后裔,人们拥簇着他,他许下虚假的希望和世界和平,他不会有任何男性后裔来传宗接代,从一个籍籍无名之辈起家获取权利,……
- The anti-christ will be a man in his forties , he will be of muslim descent , people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace , he will not have any male descendants to pass on his name , he will be an unknown man that rises to power ......