- 我无法用英语与人交流。
- I couldn 't communicate in english .
- 政客与商界人士之间必然会进行交流。
- Politicians and businesspeople must inevitably communicate .
- 摇动他们的身体和尾巴来沟通。
- Body movements and their tails to communicate .
- novell的兴盛起源于销售它的连接计算机和使它们小组作业的网络软件。
- Novell prospered by selling networking software to link up computers and enable group-working .
- 借助互联网沟通方式,茶党联合了美国不同政见的活动家,今年已经把好几个州的知名共和党领袖拉下马来。
- Nurtured by online networking it helped disparate activists across the nation link up and push aside high-profile republican leaders in multiple states this year .
- 贫穷国家发展的关键是把经济疲弱地区和快速增长地区衔接起来。
- For poor countries the key to development is to link up flagging and fast-growing regions .
- 你可以通过有用的信息和人们取得联系。
- You can connect people to useful information .
- 许多土方工程之间由笔直的道路连接。
- Straight roads connect many of the earthworks .
- 我们甚至开始在facebook群里联系以及组织聚会。
- We even started a facebook group to connect and arrange get-togethers .