- 沙漠是一个令人绝望的地方。
- The desert is a depressing place .
- 设计灵感来源于一种沙漠植物。
- The design was inspired by a desert plant .
- 据加沙的旅行代理们反应,已经有人咨询关于埃及西奈沙漠的旅游套餐。
- Travel agents in gaza say people have asked about package holidays in egypt 's sinai desert .
- 澳大利亚与erg的另一项提议保持一致的措施是:澳大利亚将奖励在遵守移民法和行业法方面有良好记录的雇主。
- In line with another erg recommendation , australia will implement measures which will reward employers with a good track record in relation to immigration and industrial relations laws .
- 据erg计算,因为需求较大,他们通常会比情报产业的其它私营企业,多收取相当于现金流20%的溢价。
- Erg calculates that because of the demand they typically fetch 20 per cent more for their cash flow than other private intelligence industry companies .
- 自从穴居的厄格人第一次用石块击中动物的头部,人们便开始使用技术了。
- Ever since erg the caveman first conked an animal with a rock , people have been using technology .