- 环境保护者则称人工养殖场污染了海洋。
- Environmentalists contend that fish farms pollute the ocean .
- 如果你的父母变得不可理喻,或拒绝告诉你有用的信息,只因怕玷污了你纯洁的耳朵,那你还是礼貌地终止谈话吧。
- If your parent is being irrational or refuses to offer up any good info lest they pollute your virgin ears , politely end the conversation .
- 因此,真正的社会学变革将产生于消除会玷污人类社会的异常行为模式。
- Therefore , true sociological change will come from removing the conditions that cause the aberrant behavior patterns which pollute our societies .
- 别阅读黄色书刊,因为它会毒害你的灵魂。
- Don 't read the hot story just because it will contaminate your mind .
- 我提议的是一种理念:不应允许银行业制造会毒害美国中央银行体系的危险组合。
- What I do suggest is a philosophy : do not allow the banking industry to create a combustible mix that will contaminate america 's central banking system .
- 天然气勘探开发虽然能创造大量就业机会和财富,但水力压裂法也可能导致饮用水污染。
- Gas exploration could bring in badly needed jobs and money , but opponents worry that fracking may contaminate the drinking water .