- 在填满卵囊、碎麦和鹌鹑蛋后,将整个海胆硬壳放在一个隔水容器内送入烤箱,在100摄氏度以下低温烘烤8-10分钟。
- Once filled with the sea urchin , bulgur wheat and eggs , the shells ( entire sea urchin test ) get eight to 10 minutes sitting in a bain-marie ( a shallow hot-water bath ) in a low-temperature oven ( under 100 degrees celsius ) .
- 在填满卵囊、碎麦和鹌鹑蛋后,将整个海胆硬壳放在一个隔水容器内送入烤箱,在100摄氏度以下低温烘烤8-10分钟。
- Once filled with the sea urchin , bulgur wheat and eggs , the shells ( entire sea urchin test ) get eight to 10 minutes sitting in a bain-marie ( a shallow hot-water bath ) in a low-temperature oven ( under 100 degrees celsius ) .
- 大型水浴式集中催芽器与恒温催芽箱催芽效果对比试验。
- Large central water-bath germinator ; sprouting rate ; germination effect ; capital saving .
- 别墅伊甸园领先的健康温泉酒店。
- Villa eden leading health spa hotel .
- 看老温泉街的按摩师如何让女生性感度提高100倍。
- Women are 100 times the level of erogenous massage masseuse how venerable spa town .
- 该酒店同时还附带两个游泳池,一个小型水疗spa和一个美味诱人的餐厅。
- The hotel also has two pools , a small spa and a tempting restaurant .
- 这些孩子他们中的大多数还穿着游泳衣或半裸着,他们在颤抖。
- The children -- most of them in bathing suits or half-dressed -- were shivering .
- 某天,大哲与弟子恰同在河中沐浴。
- One day the master happened to be bathing in the river with the disciple .
- 在非洲的赞比西河畔,厕所被设置在野生大象们沐浴的水域旁。
- In africa , the zambezi river , the toilet is provided in the wild elephants bathing waters .