- 介绍了深圳一高层建筑的空调设计概况以及风冷热泵冷水机组机房的设计安装。
- Outlines the air-conditioning design and the installation of the air-cooled heat-pump water chiller unit in a high-rise building in shenzhen .
- 每个大成年树木就如同一个巨大的水泵,通过其叶或针的蒸发,将成百万加仑的水回放到大气中去。
- Each large mature tree acts as a giant water pump , recycling millions of gallons of water back into the atmosphere via evaporation from its leaves or needles .
- 水泵也爱出故障君威的水泵也爱出故障。
- Love the water pump failure regal also love the water pump failure .
- 天然的电鳗电池通过八个不同通路和泵结构,产生和释放电压超过五百伏的电脉冲。
- Natural electric eel cells generate and release electric pulses of more than 500 volts with eight different channels and pumps .
- 这位哈格先生运营一个ksb的分公司,这家德国企业生产泵以及给其动力的发动机。
- Mr haag runs a unit of ksb , a german firm that produces pumps and the motors that power them .
- 有四个泵结构和通路的电池比较容易制造,但其把糖转换成电能的效率仅为百分之四左右。
- A cell with four pumps and channels was easier to make but only about four percent as efficient at converting sugar to electricity .
- 下一章:看唧筒柄如何改变生活。
- Next : how a pump handle changed everything .
- 在大约时速200英里时他将启动为火箭发动机传送htp的泵。
- At about 200 mph he will start the pump to deliver the htp into the rocket .
- 下面是来自于美国食品药品管理局的怎样使用奶泵的一些方法。
- Here are some steps from the u.s. food and drug administration for using your manual breast pump .