- 这个系统,由林德集团制造,能将氟化氢分解成氟气。
- The system , made by linde , splits hydrogen fluoride into fluorine .
- 其特殊的分子结构在于一侧是氟原子而另一侧是氢原子的不平衡排列。
- Its particular molecular structure involves a lopsided arrangement of fluorine atoms on one side and hydrogen atoms on the other .
- 东芝松下、三星和lg在他们一些液晶和半导体工厂中已经安装了就地产生氟的系统。
- Toshiba matsushita display , samsung and lg have installed systems that generate fluorine on-site at some of their lcd and semiconductor facilities .
- 在1955年,瑞士开始向盐中添加氟化物,以防止龋齿。
- In 1955 , switzerland began adding fluoride to its salt to prevent dental cavities .
- 这么说是因为一项新研究表明氟化物形成的保护膜比专家们料想的还有薄。
- Because a new study shows that fluoride forms a thinner protective shield than experts thought it did .
- 如果你经常饮用瓶装水而不饮用自来水,请确保所饮用的瓶装水中含有氟化物。
- If you drink bottled water instead of tap water regularly , make sure it contains fluoride .