- 宽容,但只限于犹太教徒与基督教?
- Tolerance of jews and christians only ?
- 对这种行为绝对要采取零容忍的态度。
- Such behavior should be treated with zero tolerance .
- 女性对于疼痛的容忍力比男性强吗?
- Do women have a higher pain tolerance than men ?
- 我能感受到他的声明本身的重量,就像滚珠轴承穿梭在团队的每一位成员。
- I could feel the weight of his statement ricochet like a ball bearing through each member of the team .
- 在巴西,不仅富有、专业型的女性才停止生育多个孩子。
- And it 's not simply wealthy and professional women who have stopped bearing multiple children in brazil .
- 正如文章引语所说的,这里的妇女正在效仿亚洲和发达国家的姐妹们,减少生育。
- As our briefing shows ( see article ) , african women are now following their sisters in asia and the rich world by bearing steadily fewer children .