- 当在枪战类游戏中使用时,可也以做步枪使用。
- When you play gunfight game , it can be used as the musket .
- 火枪手以滑膛枪为武器的士兵。
- A soldier armed with a musket .
- 因其所使用的一种名为龙骑枪的短滑膛枪而得名。
- The term derived from his weapon , a short musket called the dragoon .
- 装备上这种步枪,爱国的神枪手们可以击中250码外的目标,是现代fbi狙击枪射程的三倍还多,是英国滑膛枪射程的两倍。
- Armed with this rifle , p atriot marksman can hit a target 250 yards away , more than three times the average distance of a modern fbi sniper shot , and twice the range of the british muskets .
- 在1798年中期,他与政府签订了在不到两年的非常短的时间内制造1万挺滑膛枪的合约。
- In mid-1798 , he obtained a government contract to manufacture 10000 muskets within an extraordinarily short time frame of less than two years .
- 在18世纪,枪械制作被认为是技术含量极高的手工业,而包括手枪和滑膛枪的火器都是通过手工制作的。
- Gunmaking was considered an extremely skilled craft in the 18th century , and firearms , including pistols and muskets , were all constructed by hand .