- 喀麦隆快速干预部队(bir)位于西部港市杜阿拉办公室的一名安全官员表示,袭击发生在17日凌晨,具体地点在几内亚湾巴卡西半岛沿岸,遇袭士兵隶属喀麦隆快速干预部队。
- Cameroon rapid intervention force ( bir ) office in the western port city of douala , a security official said the attack took place at 17 am , the specific locations along the bakassi peninsula in the gulf of guinea , cameroon , attacked the soldiers attached to the rapid intervention force .
- 创造适合该国特有生产要素的有偿就业机会和生产性就业机会,其规模应足以吸收未来劳动力的增加和以前积压的劳动力。
- Generate remunerative employment and productive occupational opportunities compatible with country-specific factor endowments , on a scale sufficient to take care of prospective increases in the labour force and to cover backlogs .
- 管辖区城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻。
- A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force .