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- I also want to offer my congratulations to Mr. Donilon and Arne Sorenson , President CEO of Marriott International .
- 同时,我也向多尼隆助理和万豪集团总裁ArneSorenson获奖表示祝贺。
- Donilon said trade and the economy also were discussed .
- 多尼隆说,贸易与经济也是总统此行的讨论议题。
- Donilon said among the first people President Barack Obama contacted after the successful Special Forces operation in Pakistan was former President George W.Bush .
- 多尼隆表示,特种部队在巴基斯坦成功地进行此次行动之后,奥巴马总统最早进行联络的人就是前总统乔治.W.布什。
- But President Obama ' s national security adviser , Tom Donilon , says there are no plans for a private meeting with Mr. Obama .
- 但奥巴马总统的国家安全顾问tomdonilon表示,目前没有计划让他与奥巴马私人会面。
- But Mr Donilon said Pakistan needed to investigate “ how Osama bin Laden came to this place as his home for the last six years ” .
- 但多尼隆表示,巴基斯坦需要调查“奥萨马本拉登是怎么到这里,并在过去6年把这个地方当作居住地的”。
- National Security Adviser Tom Donilon raised questions in meetings about the scope of the mission , asking if the U. S. was trying to do too much .
- 国家安全顾问汤姆多尼龙在会议上提出了诸如任务范围的问题,质询美国政府是否有意愿付出过多努力。
- No other nation in the world has the alliance system that the United States has developed , and it is regarded as a strategic asset , Donilon said .
- 多尼隆说,世界上没有任何其他国家建立起美国这样的同盟系统,它是一种战略资产。
- The amount of intelligence that we got as a result of the raid , in addition to taking out bin Laden , is really extraordinary , said Tom Donilon , White House national security adviser , in an interview with CNN on Sunday .
- 除了干掉本拉登之外,我们从此次突袭行动得到的情报也很不寻常,白宫国家安全顾问汤姆多尼隆(TomDonilon)周日在接受CNN采访时表示。
- With US-Pakistani relations being severely tested by the raid , Mr Donilon said he had not seen “ any evidence , at least to date , that the political , military or intelligence leadership of Pakistan knew about Osama bin Laden at Abbottabad ” .
- 在突袭行动导致美巴关系受到严重考验之际,多尼隆表示,他尚未看到“任何证据至少是迄今为止表明,巴基斯坦的政治、军事或情报高层知道本拉登就在阿伯塔巴德”。
- Our goal is to embrace India ’ s rise as a global power and to try to demonstrate to the world that this is a broad and deep relationship , Tom Donilon , Mr Obama ’ s national security adviser , told the Financial Times .
- 美国总统国家安全顾问汤姆多尼隆(TomDonilon)向英国《金融时报》表示:我们的目标是认可印度成为全球大国,并努力向全世界证明,这是一种广泛而深厚的联系。