- 他们称这会导致全球性的问题,从而毁掉整个世界。
- They say this will cause global problems that will destroy the world .
- 我将要毁掉android,因为他是个剽窃的产品。
- I 'm going to destroy android , because it 's a stolen product .
- 巴西发展农业不需要砍掉亚马逊的树或是毁掉剩余的热带稀树草原。
- Brazil need not chop down the amazon or destroy the remaining savannahs to expand its agriculture .
- 但心理上的损失已经形成。
- But the psychological damage has been done .
- 损失赔偿费几乎总是数额庞大。
- The damage awards are almost always enormous .
- 我们希望这种损失是可以挽回的。
- We can hope the damage is reparable .
- 这些能毁了你的一整天。
- And it can ruin your day .
- 沉迷和被迫做某事都会毁了原本好的生活。
- Addictions and compulsions can ruin lives .
- 杠杆开始与狂妄和毁灭联系在了一起,而不再是增长的捷径。
- Leverage becomes associated with hubris and ruin , rather than a short-cut to growth .
- 直到今天还有不少的当政者仍在执迷不悟的诋毁着艺术。扮演者艺术操纵者的角色。
- Even today there still is many rulers stubbornly defame art , and act as the role of art manipulator .
- 毁,破坏损害,另外可指诽谤,说别人的坏话。
- Damage ; burn up ; defame ; destroy ; ruin , 3d .
- 塔利班的发言人称,这次袭击的策划者试图诽谤塔利班。
- Whoever is behind this is trying to defame the taliban , said a spokesman .
- 而报纸的头条如《读卖新闻》上的“东京电力公司官员暗示核堆芯溶解可能正在发生”恐怕对公众的心态也没有什么帮助。
- Newspaper headlines like this one in yomiuri -- " tepco official hints meltdown may be under way " -- probably don 't help , either .
- 上周五地震引发的福岛第一核电站爆炸和溶解恐慌加大了日本国内对核电安全的关切。
- The explosions and meltdown fears at fukushima daiichi nuclear-power plant that followed friday 's earthquake have increased concerns in japan about the safety of nuclear power .
- 如果核燃料管无法降温,就会发生熔毁,到时反应器的内核也会熔化,从而引起核泄漏。
- A meltdown occurs when nuclear fuel rods cannot be cooled , thus melting the reactor core and causing a release of radioactivity .
- 他计划利用联邦刺激资金来拆除空缺率高的地区,将他们变成绿色空间,建立公园,甚至农场。
- He plans to use federal stimulus funds to demolish areas with high vacancy rates and turn them into green space for parks or even farms .
- 前门保护区现已拆迁完毕,一些过去住在那里的居民抱怨道,政府发放的补偿金不够,而且在他们拒绝搬迁时,强行拆毁了他们的房屋。
- Some people who lived in the cleared qianmen conservation areas complain that government officials offered inadequate compensation and used force to demolish their homes when they refused it .
- 在一些社区,工人们仅用长柄铁锤或者徒手拆除旧建筑物,为购物中心、高层公寓住宅楼和新的高速公路项目准备场地。
- In some neighborhoods workers demolish old homes with little more than sledgehammers and their bare hands to make way for shopping malls high-rise apartment complexes and new expressways .