Switching formulas for excessive crying , spitting up or gas is rarely helpful .
His bad habit of spitting got me under my skin so badly that I had to say it .
Tina 's disdain for spitting , pushing and the condition of public bathrooms are shared by many friends in the us .
He warned them about littering , spitting , flooding hotel bathroom floors - and the local cuisine .
They stand at busy metro stations urging people to stand to the right on escalators ; they discourage spitting , queue-jumping , pushing and shouting all well-loved shanghainese habits .
Expo will make permanent improvements to the physical infrastructure of shanghai not to mention making this already western-friendly city easier to navigate by foreigners , by teaching more taxi drivers to speak english and discouraging foreign pet peeves such as spitting in public and queue-jumping .
Expo will make permanent improvements to the physical infrastructure of shanghai not to mention making this already western-friendly city easier to navigate by foreigners , by teaching more taxi drivers to speak english and discouraging foreign pet peeves such as spitting in public and queue-barging .
Mainland tourists stand accused of littering , spitting , urinating in public , smoking cigarettes in inappropriate places and other breaches of etiquette that offend the more fastidious sensibilities of many hong kong natives .
This isn 't just regular spitting we are talking about .
Spitting , a common habit of northern indian men , is forbidden .