- 这就是大自然开的一个残忍玩笑。
- It is just a cruel joke of nature .
- 然而,他同样也会冷漠和残忍。
- But also he could be cold and cruel .
- 杀死如此美丽的生命真是太残忍了。
- How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty .
- 但是伴随着一个残酷的倾向。
- But a brutal streak went with it .
- 2007在警察的残酷攻击下逃过一命。
- 2007 Survives brutal attack by police .
- 先前几局游戏对我来说很残酷。
- The first few games were brutal .
- 工资很高,但工作时间长得不人道,根本没有社交或家庭生活,压力达到了令人无法忍受的程度。
- The salary was lavish but the working hours were inhuman , social or family life was non-existent and the level of stress was intolerable .
- 土耳其总理雷杰普塔伊普埃尔多安(receptayyiperdogan)指责以色列进行了“惨无人道的国家恐怖主义活动”,并表示:“土耳其不会沉默以对。”
- Recep tayyip erdogan , the turkish prime minister , accused israel of " inhuman state terror " and said : " turkey will not remain silent in response . "
- 他对体力劳动的描述是逼真的,反映了人情味的光华和不人道的残酷行为的持久的刺痛。
- His descriptions of physical work are authentic , as are the flashes of human kindness and the constant stab of inhuman cruelty .
- 匈牙利政治进入到一个新的、更残酷的时代。
- Hungarian politics is entering a new , more ruthless era .
- 但是即使克林姆林宫方面不采取残酷手段,俄罗斯资本主义仍会走向集中化。
- Russian capitalism would have been concentrated even if the kremlin had not been so ruthless .
- 伊朗的执政者毛拉们一向很残酷.但是他们试图用人造选举去掩饰。
- Iran 's ruling mullahs were always ruthless . But they disguised it a bit with faux elections .