- 残留物水平是未知的,因为烧烤痕迹尚未被分离出来单独进行检验。
- The levels of residue are unknown , since grill marks have not been isolated for testing .
- 许多驶向澳大利亚的船舶所使用的廉价燃料是从原油精炼后的残渣中提炼而来。
- Many ships visiting australia use cheap fuels derived from the residue of the crude oil refining process .
- 缺点是垃圾生成的合成气体中所含的大量的焦油状残渣会把涡轮机粘住。
- The hitch is that syngas from waste is full of tarry residue that tends to gum up the turbine .
- 其他大多数动物都有这种有用的dna,不过在我们的进化史中,有个改变让这种基因失效了不过还是留下了一点残余,成了废料dna。
- Most other animals have this functioning dna but at some point in our history , a mutation disbled the gene - whilst leaving behind its remnants as junk dna .
- 巴基斯坦安全部队现在还是继续在本国的部落地区进行搜索行动,这个地区是美国方面认定的塔利班和基地组织残余分子行动中心。
- Pakistani security forces are continuing the operations against militants in the tribal area of the country , which washington considers the center of taliban and al-qaeda remnants .
- 李说计划中的博物馆不仅仅是一个展览馆,而且还包含残余的古老的郡政府所在地,以及被像泥石流和堰塞湖这样的次生灾害留下的痕迹。
- Lin said the planned museum was not just an exhibition building , but encompassed the remnants of the old county seat , and traces left by secondary disasters such as mud-rock flows and quake lakes .
- 这些遗骸的日期,甚至可能追溯到冰河后期。
- The date of these remains may even be post-glacial .
- 它们是在非洲以外发现的最远古的人类遗骸化石。
- They are the earliest human remains to be discovered outside africa .
- 很快我们的院子里满是这些其他女人的遗骸。
- Soon our yard was filled with the remains of these other women .