- 智齿是另一个残余物。
- Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant .
- 该星云是超新星的遗迹,是一个大质量的恒星死亡爆炸时的扩散云气形成的。
- The nebula is a large supernova remnant , an expanding cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star .
- 这类新古典主义遗迹寇松街车站曾经是1838年开通的伦敦至伯明翰铁路的原终点站。
- This neoclassical remnant , curzon street station , was the original terminus of the london and birmingham railway , opened in 1838 .
- 剩下的两个渠道并未受到类似的消弱。
- The remaining two channels are not similarly impaired .
- 余下的股份可在10月份出售。
- The remaining shares can be sold in october .
- 保持真实并市场化自己是件很棘手的事。
- Remaining authentic while trying to market yourself is a tricky business .
- 燃料的不完全燃烧是主要问题。
- The problem is incomplete combustion .
- 评论是草率,不完全的。
- Reviews can be sloppy and incomplete .
- 但结果却是不完整和平庸的。
- The result is kind of incomplete and lackluster .