- 你的身体将保持竖直。
- Your body should remain upright .
- 伦巴第大区人仍旧坚信他们比意大利南部人更加勤劳、正直。
- And the region 's people still see themselves as more industrious and upright than southerners .
- 研究人员还需要一个成熟的方案来确保飞行器保持正直。
- Researchers also need a sophisticated solution to make sure the robot remains upright .
- 你能真正做到诚实吗?
- Can you be truly honest ?
- 但是,诚实的说这几个角色真的没啥记忆点。
- But let 's be honest - there 's nothing memorable about these particular characters .
- 在官方,朱先生有一个直率的诚实的社会改革者的尊称。
- In office , mr zhu had a reputation as a blunt , honest reformer .
- 这些商业交易是光明正大的。
- These commercial transactions are aboveboard .
- 它通过让每位选民自由表达自己的选举意志,并且没有任何人可以对选民进行胁迫、监视以及威胁,来保证选举是公平、光明正大的。
- It guarantees a fair and aboveboard election by letting every voter express his or her will freely without subject to coercion , surveillance or threat by anyone .
- 我下定决心,一定要堂堂正正地做人,光明磊落地活下去。
- I was determined , must be open and aboveboard , open and above board to live .