- 音乐和播放另一首歌曲。
- Music and play another song .
- 接着她开始演唱一首优美的爱情歌曲。
- Then she began a beautiful love song .
- 这首歌曲是一位农民谱写的。
- The song was composed by a farmer .
- 动物王国中,这种对声音的模仿很罕见,而且从未在非人类灵长类动物中发现过。
- Such vocal imitation is rare in the animal kingdom , and it has never been found in nonhuman primates .
- 批评者们指出马拉多纳直言不讳的天性和特质总是能将注意力从球员转移到自己的身上.
- Critics have suggested that maradona 's vocal nature and many idiosyncrasies often shift attention away from his players and onto himself .
- 在这个平行宇宙中,美国前副总统迪克切尼(dickcheney)是最为畅所欲言的居民。
- Dick cheney , the former vice-president , is the most vocal resident of this parallel universe .